
What is the estimated GST price for Green Satoshi token?

Based on our tech sector growth prediction the estimated GST price would be between $ 0.115914 and $ 0.603203 meaning the price of Green Satoshi Token is expected to rise by 3,549.95% in the best case scenario by 2026. How to read and predict Green Satoshi Token price movements?

What is gstcoin (GST)?

GSTCOIN (GST) is currently ranked as the #15046 cryptocurrency by market cap. Today it reached a high of $0.009905, and now sits at $0.007677. GSTCOIN (GST) price is up 1.00% in the last 24 hours. GSTCOIN is currently trading on 1 exchange, with a 24hr trade volume of $2.

What is GST token?

GST is an inflationary token with no defined maximum supply and with a total supply of 10,000,000 coins distributed as follows: 30% to Move & Earn. As of April 2022, there are 3,597,242.47 $GST in circulation. Once used, the GST token is automatically burned to reduce the supply.

